Solar Should be a No-Brainer in The Sunshine State

Turns out, it’s not.  Yesterday, I had a bit of a rant on Facebook about an email / survey I’d gotten from my power company. I thought about it a while and figured I needed a follow-up or maybe even a post for my friends that don’t follow me on social media.  I’m sure you’re […] Read more…

Bone Broth Soup : Not such a new fad

OK it’s a New Year, and even Kathy, my super-fit Auntie, has said it’s time to work off those pounds. I know I’ve got plenty to work off. Although, we still have to eat…but eat well. This week I bring you something super healthy, tasty and maybe even a relief for your food budget. There […] Read more…

Roast Beast to rival a Whoville Feast

The other night we had a dinner guest over. Because her visit was a bit of a surprise, and she’s not exactly new to chez Beal, I didn’t feel bad about serving leftovers. No, I’m not talking about the evening where we get out all of those bits of edibles that I can’t toss, but […] Read more…

Wood Butter : one of many handmade gifts to share

This year for our ‘Girls Night Out’ Dirty Santa gift exchange, I added to my little bag of weirdness, a small jar of ‘Wood Butter’ that I’d made. The recipient looked at it puzzled and I attempted to explain. But now, I have a better idea,…a blog post. Why not. I’d posted this on my […] Read more…

Christmas Eve Chili and Bagels : Cherish your traditions

Every family has their own traditions at Christmas. That’s one of the great things about this season that celebrates with light and life. When you join a family, as I did so many years ago, you combine traditions and start a few of your own. My husband’s family, though, went completely in another direction,…and I […] Read more…

‘Santaland Diaries’ : A Holiday Tradition

I have my own set of weird traditions during the holiday’s. One of which is catching yet another reading by David Sedaris of his ‘Santaland Diaries’. A short, and hilarious, excerpt of life from the viewpoint of a Macy’s elf during the Christmas season. Please click on the link above and absorb the, slightly […] Read more…

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